me and my big mouth

A challenge was made that I create an all-vegan menu for a party of six two hours before the party was to arrive. This was the resulting menu....

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

grrr-rillah grilla coming soon

So I have challenged myself to launch beyond the norm, beyond the box, to go stealthy-ly into the culinary abyss and cook what ever I want, where ever I want, when ever I want. First stop... Waikiki Beach. The food idea is pork centric aptly named "Project
No Ka Oink". The tagline... cliche-ish as it may seem.... "Believe in the lard". Objective... damn tasty street food using porky goodness as the platform of flavor transference, 365 days (or nights) and 365 porcine driven street food dishes.



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